Join the Digital Profession

Develop skills and learn ways of working to deliver simple, smart and personalised digital government services.

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Share, build or learn digital experience and skills with training and events, and collaborate with peers across government.

Training, events and news

Coaching for Women in Digital Program - It is life changing!

Sharing my Experience by Amanda Forde, Change and Communications Manager, Home Affairs

Coaching for Women in Digital Program - Develop your career and connect with EL1 women in data and digital

Kelly-Ann shares her experience in the Coaching for Women in Digital Program

Stay connected with social media teams across the APS - join GovSocial

GovSocial is a new community of practice for APS employees who are interested in social media and its use

Head of the Digital Profession

Chris Fechner is Head of the Digital Profession. He works with the APSC and other Professions to drive culture change in innovation, agility and a digital ready APS.

Read more about the APS Head of the Digital Profession