We designed the APS Career Pathfinder tool to help people explore digital and other career options in government.
On this page:
- For individuals (how to use)
- Get offered opportunities
- For employers
- Provide feedback
- About Career Pathfinder
For individuals (how to use)
Explore your way forward
Career Pathfinder can help you find what you need to know for that next career step, whether you are:
- in the APS looking to change or develop your career
- thinking about working in government in digital.
Start exploring your career potential
Using the tool
You can find roles that match your skills.
Or roles that match your interest.
You can see what skills you need and how to get them. The tool shows you:
- descriptions of what the role does, in some case there are profiles of people doing jobs with that role now
- details of the required skills
- training specific to your skill needs
- APSJobs to show you available jobs.
Career Pathfinder can also show you which roles are in high demand.
Get offered opportunities
You can use Career Pathfinder privately, but if you are open to being contacted about opportunities you can:
- login to Career Pathfinder
- tell it the skills you have
- select the option ‘I’m open to opportunities’.
This will let authorised HR managers from other agencies to find you when they are searching for people with certain skills. They may be looking for people to form a taskforce or project team. If you have the skills they are looking for, they may contact you to discuss the opportunity.
For employers
See what roles require
Explore roles to see an overview of a role, and which skills are required and desirable at each level. This can assist you when creating a position description or when going to market for a new team member.
Help develop the digital skills of your staff
Encourage staff to identify roles they want to do and develop plans for how they can get there. Career Pathfinder identifies capability gaps and relevant training efficiently based on what skills a person has already and where they want to be.
The tool can assist you when considering what training an employee may need or when developing a performance plan with your staff.
Find skills in your organisation
If you are looking for people with certain skills in your organisation, please contact your HR team first. If they do not already have a HR manager who is authorised to search APS Career Pathfinder, they can contact us at digitalprofession@apsc.gov.au.
Understand your organisation’s skill profile
Workforce planners can access de-identified information to understand the skills their organisation has. Agency workforce planners can obtain access by contacting us at digitalprofession@apsc.gov.au.
Provide feedback
If you have a suggestion about how we could improve Career Pathfinder, send us some feedback.
About Career Pathfinder
This tool is part of our strategy to attract and develop digital talent for the APS and Commonwealth. We consulted with industry and government to identify the critical and desirable skills for 200 roles in the APS.
The tool uses the SFIA (Skills for the Information Age) framework and the DCF (Data Capabaility Framework) with a learning resource catalogue mapped by Services Australia. The tool can utilise other frameworks and catalogues. The tool can also be modified and tailored to meet your organisation needs. If you are interested in using this tool, contributing to its development, or want to know how it can be tailored to meet your ogranisations needs, please contact us at digitalprofession@apsc.gov.au.