Our blog posts are written by digital professionals like you. They provide thought leadership, case studies, and insights into what it is like to be a digital professional in the Australian Public Service.
Coaching for Women in Digital Program - It is life changing!
Sharing my Experience by Amanda Forde, Change and Communications Manager, Home Affairs
Coaching for Women in Digital Program - Develop your career and connect with EL1 women in data and digital
Kelly-Ann shares her experience in the Coaching for Women in Digital Program
Stay connected with social media teams across the APS - join GovSocial
GovSocial is a new community of practice for APS employees who are interested in social media and its use
Digital Profession snapshot 2020 to 2022
A snapshot of achievements and milestones of the Digital Profession over its first 2 years.
Gamification in government
At PAX AU 2022, the Gamifying Government Panel showcased public sector innovation that uses game design technology and priciples.
Taking steps towards accessibility and inclusion
Talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion helps remove barriers that exclude people with a disability.
Developing as a leader through Coaching for Women in Digital program
Kylie Potter from Services Australia talks about her experiences as a recent participant in this program.
A Day in the Life of an Automation Analyst
Jodi shares a day in her life as an Automation Analyst.
Day in the life of an Automation Tester
Sarah shares a day in her life as an automation tester.
Day in the life of a Service Designer
Stephen shares a day in his life as a service designer.
Day in the life of a Cyber Security Specialist
Joanne shares a day in her life as a cyber security specialist.
Digital transformation based on services, not our IT systems
A digital transformation journey can be long. DAWE’s approach delivers lots of small, regular and incremental changes that add up to make a substantial difference to our agricultural industry.